Monday, February 13, 2012

dew tour

What can I say the dew tour was sick this year it always is. I love going to the dew tour whats not to love? Free stuff, you can win even better free stuff, you get to watch what you love and meet pro skiers and snowboarders. A lot of the pros also have signings and it's a lot of fun. The only downer is how much you have to wait sometimes. This year it wasn't bad but other years have been a longggggg wait, it is definitely worth it though. I also went to the Mac Miller concert which was part of the dew tour, and if any of you think he sucks cool that's your opinion he can freestyle quite well actually and he sounds way good live better then a lot of people it was a lot of fun.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Okay I really love the winter, but this year so far has sucked. We have gotten like no good new snow and I just got brand new powder skis. It January and I still haven't used them to their full extent. Hopefully it gets better though. I also haven't been able to go as much because my mom works a lot now and I can't drive so it's hard to find a ride sometimes I thought my dad would be going more but I guess not. Well hopefully we till get some good powder days that's good enough for me.

What is love?

Love an be many things. If you love your food that is love for food, if you love your mom that is love for your mom, if you love your girlfriend that is love for her. To me there are 3 types of love. The first one is where you love your food love the way it tastes we just love it because its yummy. The second is you care about her a lot as a good friend or family relative. The third is that you actually love them in an attractive way and would do anything for them. There can also be love for more things like sports and things, so I love skiing because its the most fun sport I have ever done and I love it it is my favorite thing to do in the whole world nothing can compare to the feeling you get shredding in the powder it's just so much fun.